Monday, November 17, 2008

I know I haven't posted in a while to let you know what has been going on. Sorry about that. I will start with Levi since that is really why everyone checks in here. He is doing great now. We switched him from formula to Pediasure. The poor baby got all stopped up and didn't poop for a few days. Luckily when he finally did poop I wasn't home so Steven got to clean that one up. Steven said it was so bad he had to give him a bath afterwards.

Steven lead worship at church this past Sunday. I was very excited for him and I wish I could have been there. (We don't take Levi out this time of year.) He said it went well.

As for me I have been super busy. Getting ready for the holidays, Pampered Chef shows, Bible Study, and just regular life stuff has kept me hopping. I did attend the Women of Faith conference this weekend with some of the ladies from church. Here is a pic of us at breakfast on Saturday morning. We had a lot of fun. It was a great time of worship, fellowship, and learning. My favorite part was when Sheila Walsh spoke about having faith even when things weren't going well and it didn't feel like God was answering our prayers. We have definitely learned a lot about that the past couple of years. (Can you believe it has been two years.)

I have taken up a new hobby. (My friend Kara says I collect them.) I tried my had at making jewelry yesterday. Here are a couple pair of earrings I made. I have a couple other things I started, but couldn't finish because I needed more stuff. I think I like beading and will be making a few Christmas presents. I think next I would like to learn to quilt, but it may be a while before I take that on.

Well I think that is all for this evening. I am going to go watch Stargate and clean up the house a little before I hit the sack.

Sleep tight!!!


mommy2alex said...

Those earrings are GORGEOUS!! You did such a great job - WOW!
I collect hobbies too (well of the crafty sort!) and would love to learn to quilt. I'm hoping to make some cute retro aprons for Christmas gifts, we'll see;)
So glad that Levi is doing well - haha, love that you weren't there when he finally blew out;)
You all look way too put together to be out that early, but I know how exciting it is to get out of the house for some "me" time, especially to go to such a wonderful event!

amber said...

love the pic from wof...and the earrings look awesome! :) hope you're having a wonderful week so far...great to chat w/ you monday. thanks for helping the time pass in the atlanta airport. talk w/ you soon...