Sunday, November 23, 2008

Toy Drive for Children's

Time for an update. Today was a great date. We finally got a pastor at our church. I am so stinkin excited. His name is Griff Henderson and he seems to be a great guy. He even met Levi today and said a sweet prayer over him. He's definitely OK in my book after that.

I have been trying to get life ready for the holidays. I have been organizing gift lists, I started baking, and I am getting ready to sit down in a little bit and think about decorations and stuff. See if there are things I want to purchase during the black Friday sales. I have also been getting geared up for black Friday shopping as well. I always feel like the holiday season has begun when I get up and go shopping ridiculously early that Friday morning.

The other thing I have been thinking about a lot lately is Levi's birthday. He is going to be two next month. Can you believe it. I think back to being in the hospital that Christmas two years ago and I tear up every time. As most of you remember we did a blanket drive for Levi's birthday last year. So this year in honor of Levi's second birthday we will be collecting toys for ages two and under to donate to Children's Hospital. These toys will be given to the children on Christmas by Santa Clause. If there are any left they have a cart they push around and give the children toys when they are hospitalized. They will use the extra toys for this. If you are interested in donating some toys just call me or email me ( We will take the toys up to the hospital on Monday December 22nd. We so appreciate how awesome you guys were last year with the blankets and how much you love and pray for Levi.

Speaking of our little angel. Steven and I woke up Thursday night to a sound coming from the baby monitor. It wasn't a hurt sound or an upset sound. It mostly sounded like singing. It took 45 to get him to stop "singing". (He is definitely a Bergren). This would have been so sweet except it was 1:30am. Bless my little angel's heart.

Well I am off to finish working on my holiday lists.


Unknown said...

What was he singing? Metallica? That would be epic.

mommy2alex said...

What a great idea for the toy drive!
I cannot believe he's going to be two - this past year has flown by. How sweet to be hear him singing, but in the middle of the night - silly boy;)

Melissa said...

Griff is an AMAZING pastor! He was my pastor growing up at FBC Newalla. My boyfriend and I plan to start attending your church after the first of the year!!
(JustScrappy @ J4K)