Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Well the stress has passed, until next time I am overwhelmed anyway. I spent the weekend organizing. I got the guest/scrap room organized, the desk in our room, and Levi's closet. Still lots to do, but I feel much better.

Levi's UTI seems to be all better. He finished the antibiotic today and all seems well. Thanks for all your prayers.

I got a sweet little surprise this week. I have a secret friend who knows someone I know (I don't know who this is), and they sent me this cute little card pack.

I can't wait to make some cards with my new fun stuff. Thank you secret friend.

That is all for tonight. Good night all.


mommy2alex said...

Love your carepackage! That's so sweet, I cannot wait to find out who it is!!

amber said...

it's been too long since we've talked since i didn't know about your secret friend!!! i'll call ya this between work! :) hope you're doing fabulous, my friend.

Melody said...

will you be my secret friend?
or maybe not-so-secret?