Monday, September 22, 2008


So things have been going pretty well around here. Levi has been sleeping so much better. Which means I have been sleeping so much better. We are all a lot happier when Levi and I sleep.

We took Levi last weekend to my favorite scrapbook store, Just4Keeps, and had pictures made. Hopefully I will use these pics on our Christmas card and can get those done early. I will post the pictures here as soon as I get them back. Levi was looking very dapper I must say.

This past weekend Mom and Dad came up with Logan (my nephew) and we went to the fair. I love to go to the fair to eat. I gotta have my yearly Indian Taco and Chocolate Covered Cheesecake. So yummy. Logan's favorite part was playing games.

But did he win anything you ask. Well of course he did. He actually won a few different things. One of them was this little dog he won for his beautiful Aunt Cindy (that's me).

Logan says I should name him Arf. I am not sure yet.

In other news around our house, Steven's brother-in-law, Michael, left his Rockband game at our house. So what did we do tonight. Well Steven and I (mostly just me) practiced our Rockband skills. Can I tell you I am truly horrible at most video games (except Viva Pinata) but I am starting to kind of dig Rockband. And Steven and I had fun playing together. I think we may have a new date night activity.
With that being said, I must be off to bed. Sleep tight.

1 comment:

mommy2alex said...

Glad to hear that you are both getting some rest!
Cannot wait to see Levi's new pictures - yay!