Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while.

Levi had a fussy spell the first part of last week. It was no fun for any of us. He didn't let me sleep much for about four days. Luckily we got a new medicine that has really helped. It is actually a sedative. It really calms him down, but it doesn't seem to knock him out. I was so glad because I really needed the sleep. Now I can't seem to get enough sleep.

Mom and Dad came up to visit this past weekend. We had fun. Mom and I went shopping and got pedicures. I decided to let them do something different to my toes. I can paint them red anytime I want, so I had them do something I can't do myself.
Steven dosen't really love my new pedicure. He doesn't understand why I only painted the ends and why I would choose black. I like it. I think it is unique.

As for Steven, I am sure you are wondering what he has been up to. He has been taking violin lessons. I will let you know if he ever plays in public. He is really enjoying himself though.

Well I guess that is all for now. Hope you have a fabulous week.


Sydnie said...

I like your toe nails.

Melissa Ramirez said...

I feel like I know you as I hear so much about you and Levi from Grandma Bobbie. Thank you for your encouragement. We must get together the next time I am at Grandma Bobbie's. I'll let you know when that will be.
Melissa (Eli's mom)

Cindy said...

Melissa, I would love to get together sometime. Just let me know when.